As part of a Whole School Engagement initiative, Sayre host Pep Rally for inclusion. The event was held on Friday, December 13 where the main focus was to introduce to the schools the athletes in the school who would represent Sayre in a variety of sports throughout the school year.
All students and staff in Sayre High School came down to the gym to enjoy an afternoon of activities, including a performance from the dance team and cheerleaders, competitions between grades, and the presentation of the sports teams. During the presentation of the sports teams, both the Unified Bocce team and Unified Soccer team marched in wearing their uniforms proudly. Both teams were well received with loud cheers from their peers in the stands and on the floor. Everyone had a great time at the pep rally and can’t wait to see how each of the teams finish out their season.
Sayre is one of the many high schools in Philadelphia that has Special Olympics programming in their school, known as Unified Champion Schools. As a school with Special Olympics programming, Sayre High School participates in the following activities:
This pep rally was organized by members of the student council as well as the club advisors, Ms. Pickett and Ms. Dearden. Students who were in student council, including members from the unified team (both athletes and partners!), assisted with coordinating the event alongside unified coaches, Mr. Cohen and Mr. Sax.