Special Olympics helps athletes realize and accomplish their dreams, both on and off the playing field. We are able to provide these opportunities at no cost to the athletes and their families because of generous and dedicated sponsors, donors, and fundraisers. However, for every one athlete we are currently serving in Philadelphia, there are more waiting to get in the game. Your financial support, no matter how big or small, will help us reach one more athlete. Support our cause!
Participate |
Participate in a fundraising event! Special Olympics Pennsylvania – Philadelphia hosts and benefits from a wide variety of fundraising events. To find out more about participating in these events, please visit our Fundraising Events page. This is the best way to make an online donation to our program. |
Checks made out to Special Olympics PA with “Philadelphia” in the memo line can be mailed to our state office at the address below. You will receive a thank you letter that also serves as a confirmation of your gift, should you need it for tax purposes. Special Olympics PA – Philadelphia |
Make a donation using your credit card by calling Special Olympics Pennsylvania’s office at (610) 630-9450, ext. 230 during regular business hours (Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm). | |
Payroll deduction through your workplace makes giving easy. Support Special Olympics Pennsylvania through your employer’s United Way, Combined Federal Campaign and other charitable programs. Most workplace giving programs provide the option to select a specific charity for your donation so please designate Special Olympics Philadelphia when filling out your pledge form. | |
Matching Gift at Work |
Double or triple your tax-deductible donation to Special Olympics Philadelphia through your company’s matching gift program. Thousands of companies match charitable contributions made by their employees. Find out if your company will match your donation to Special Olympics with our Matching Gift Companies. You may also visit your personnel office to ask if they match charitable donations, obtain a matching gift form, fill it out completely and mail it along with your contribution to the address below. |
Amazon.com has a program where a portion of your Amazon purchase goes towards your favorite charity – Amazon Smile. Check it out today and support Special Olympics PA athletes all year long! Select our charity and EVERY purchase that you make will result in 0.5% of that purchase coming to Special Olympics PA. |
You can give a fully tax-deductible gift to Special Olympics Pennsylvania (SOPA) through your local United Way. Just be sure to include SOPA’s donor choice number (2362) and address on all applicable United Way forms. |
Questions about donating? Please contact Kristin at kcraven@specialolympicspa.org or 610-630-9450 x252
To find out more about our corporate partnership opportunities, please click here.
Special Olympics Pennsylvania (and hence the Philadelphia Chapter) is a registered 501(c)3 organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.