2017 IUS Soccer League Play Days

Special Olympics PA, Philadelphia held four 2017 IUS Soccer League Play Days for the nine high schools participating in soccer this year. These four games lead up to the Unified Soccer Championship on May 30th. With typical spring weather, two of our league play days were postponed due to rain, but in the end, all of the League Play Days were filled with the sun, friendship, and most importantly sportsmanship.

League Play Day 2

The first day of the IUS Soccer League Play Days was held on March 30, 2017, as the first one was rained out and rescheduled. Thomas Edison graciously hosted Frankford High School, George Washington High School and School of the Future. The day was chilly but dry with the sun peeking out at times. Each of the four schools had two soccer teams representing their school and each team was able to play twice.

Field 1
Field 2
Round 1
GW1 (1) vs. TE1 (2) FRNK1 (0) vs. SOF2 (3)
Round 2
TE1 (2) vs. SOF 1 (0) FRNK2 (0) vs. GW2 (0)
Round 3
SOF1 (1) vs. GW1 (1) TE2 (0) vs. SOF2 (1)
Round 4
TE2 (3) vs. FRNK 2 (1) GW2 (1) vs. FRNK2 (0)

Frankford (FRNK), George Washington (GW), School of the Future (SOF), Thomas Edison (TE)

League Play Day 1

The original date of the IUS League Play Day was on Tuesday, March 28th. This league play day was postponed due to heavy rains to Tuesday, April 4th. Abraham Lincoln, Audenried Charter, Furness, and Sayre all came to Martin Luther King High School who was the gracious host for the day. We saw a lot of sportsmanship during this league play day. In one of the Player Development games, we saw an Audenried partner (individual without an intellectual disability) help coach a Furness athlete (individual with an intellectual disability). This typically happens between teammates, but the circumstances arose where there wasn’t a partner near the athlete to help guide them.

Field 1
Field 2
Field 3
Round 1
AL 1 (5) vs. AUD1 (0)   MLK2 (0) vs. SAY1 (0)
Round 2
MLK1 (2) vs. AL1 (2) FURN2 (1) vs. AUD2 (3) FURN1 (6) vs. SAY2 (2)
Round 3
AUD1 (1) vs. MLK1 (5) SAY1 (0) vs. AL2 (0)  AUD2 (4) vs. SAY2 (0)
Round 4
AL2 (1) vs. FURN1 (4) FURN2 (0) vs. MLK2 (1)  

Abraham Lincoln (AL), Audenried Charter (AUD), Furness (FURN), Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK), Sayre (SAY)

League Play Day 4

The fourth league play day occurred on a Thursday, April 27th. School of the Future hosted Abraham Lincoln, Geroge Washington, and Sayre for their second league play day. It started as a cloudy and cool day, but as the games were underway, the sun came out and it felt like summer. The next time these teams will meet will be at the Unified Soccer Championship on Tuesday, May 30th.

GW1 (3) vs. SOF1 (1) AL2 (2) vs. SAY2 (6)
AL1 (2) vs. GW1 (3) SAY1 (0) vs. SOF2 (4)
SOF1 (0) vs. AL1 (1) SAY2 (4) vs. GW2 (4)
SOF2 (3) vs. AL2 (0) GW2 (0) vs. SAY1 (2)

Abraham Lincoln (AL), George Washington (GW), School of the Future (SOF), Sayre (SAY)


League Play Day 3

The original date for the third IUS League Play Day was on Tuesday, April 25th. After being rained out the first day, it was nothing but beautiful blue skies on the new date, May 2nd. Frankford High School hosted Audenreid, Furness, Martin Luther King and Thomas Edison for their second league play day – and what would end up being the final league play day of the year. The next time these teams will meet will be at the Unified Soccer Championship on Tuesday, May 30th.

TE1 (1) vs. AUD1 (0) TE2 (4) vs. MLK2 (0) FRNK1 (1) vs. FURN 2 (0)
AUD1 (3) vs. MLK1 (4) AUD2 (2) vs. FRNK2 (0) FURN1 (4) vs. FRNK1 (2)
MLK1 (0) vs. TE1 (2) TE2 (5) vs. FURN2 (1) MLK2 (1) vs. FRNK2 (0)

Audenried Charter (AUD), Frankford (FRNK), Furness (FURN), Martin Luther King (MLK), Thomas Edison (TE)