Obama honors Special Olympics at White House gala

A Special Night for Special Olympics!

Obama2Last night was a very exciting occasion for Special Olympics as President Obama honors Special Olympics at White House gala. Obama celebrated Special Olympics and what the organization stands for.

Special Olympics athletes from around the globe, including two athletes from Pennsylvania (one being Philadelphia’s very own Unified Partner Kenneth Brown), attended the gala at the White House and represented our incredible organization and program. Obama spoke from the heart when he said, “What all these people represent is what the Special Olympics is all about: overcoming obstacles with love and kindness and generosity and health competition. Those are values that everybody can use. Those are values that the Special Olympics can teach all of us.” This is a statement that not only holds true to all of Special Olympics but especially here at SOPA Philly!

We are so proud of our athletes, our volunteers, and our supporters and we couldn’t be more excited for what our future holds! We truly hope you will be a part of it with us! Learn how you can get involved today by supporting us monetarily or with your talents!

Read the full article on the White House gala here!