SOPA Philly Receives AHPERD Award

SOPA Philly Receives AHPERD Award

SOPA Philly Receives AHPERD Award for promoting youth fitness

SOPA Philly Receives AHPERD Award.  On May 30, 2014, Special Olympics Pennsylvania’s Philadelphia program received the Legislative Honor Award selected by the local association of the Pennsylvania State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (PSAHPERD). SOPA Philly received the award at their annual awards banquet. The Legislative Honor Award recognizes a person, group or organization from outside the profession who has supported and promoted the mission and goals of PSAHPERD. This recognition goes a long way in showcasing the efforts and strides being made by our Philadelphia program and the positive impact it’s having in our community.

Special Olympics Philadelphia could not be more thankful and honored to have been chosen for this award. We appreciate the continued support and efforts of our staff, athletes,  volunteers and community in the promotion of our mission and look forward to our bright future!